Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My Birthday Prezzies

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My birthday dolls

Sunday, May 25, 2008
My Roses
And they smell wonderful.
Don't have a lot to talk about, seems like when I put something up on the net, I offend some people.
I have been working on my birthday dolls, they are mermaids and I have a little scene going , I will be putting up pics in June, and the explanation of why I used certain colors and things incorporated in them.
It's to hot here to do anything, already in the 90's and my air conditioner is not working. Boy what am I going to do in the Summer?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Second puzzle piece

Hello everyone,
Well after the upset with the heart thing, I decided to finish my second puzzle piece for the BAD puzzle challenge. Her name is Donoma and it is an Omaha name meaning "sight of the sun".
It really was a challenge to stick with one color. I like a lot of color , but not working with one only. I really think she looks like she is sitting crossed legged. I am more fond of her than I am of Jiggy.
I have been talking to Ralonda on the phone and she is such a sweety, I was so happy to hear from her. The day we talked , when I returned from the Dr. there was a package from her. A RAOK, two little mermaid dolls to bead for my birthday doll.
On BAD which stands for Beaded Art Dolls (it's a Yahoo group) we are encouraged to make a doll for our birthday that usually tells a little about what is going on in you life that year.
I have been wanting to do a mermaid doll, so I thought ...humm I am a Gemini and they are twins so I need to do 2 , the pearl is my birthstone so it works out great.
I am going to get started on them soon , it is going to be more like a scene than just a birthday doll.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Puzzle Piece Doll

Saturday, March 8, 2008
The BAD group has decided to do a puzzle piece doll, but flat not full and fluffy like me. I am really excited to start this one , we were assigned a color, I just happened to pick #3 one of my lucky numbers, but it turned out to be a color i don't really care for, orange! The group did an orange challange before I joined, so I have some inspiration.
We rented a car this weekend so we could get out and grocery shop and do other things. My thing is to go to thrift stores and pick up on some cheap materal, also to go site seeing and window shopping.
Oh course after having such lovely weather while shut up with no transportation, when we finally get to go somewhere, Mr. Winter has shown his pretty/ugly side , I love snow and don't care if it ices when I am home bound, but when I want to go out I want pretty weather like we were having, hey at least the sun is shinning and I am waiting for the lazy bugs to get up so we can head out.
We went out yesterday and the thrift stores were closed , I guess they had a snow day off, but the roads were clear. So I am going to try again today. I am also going to Little Rock, but before going there I am going to stop at the bead store in the little town next to me . I thought the ladies that opened the bead store in my town closed , well, they just moved to a better location. On the main street instead of behind the post office.
OK I'm off of here to take off shopping, I will post a pick of my puzzle piece later, I have to cut it out and I want to dye it instead of it being stark white.
Bye for now the lazy bugs are stirring.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My cane

Monday, February 18, 2008
Mini pin challange